Possibilities for Peace in Colombia, A Conference Report

The conference Possibilities for Peace in Colombia: A Human Rights Perspective, was held on October 2, 1998, in Washington, D.C. The principal public forum was a meeting held in a hearing room of the House of Representatives, hosted by Representatives Jim McDermott (D-WA) and Sam Farr (D-CA), from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Some two dozen organizations co-sponsored the conference, with coordination by the Colombia Subgroup of the Latin America Working Group. The conference succeeded in bringing both the peace process and a human rights point of view into the halls of Congress. In the afternoon, several dozen participants held a discussion on various aspects of policy advocacy work on Colombia. The conference together with further meetings on October 3 also constituted the 11th meeting of the Colombia Human Rights Network.

Following are four articles that report on these events. First are detailed notes on the discussions in the morning session, followed by notes on the afternoon session. Special thanks to H. Pollock and M. Hope for these notes. In addition, to provide both the Pastrana administration perspective and a perspective critical of the new administration are excerpts of the presentations by Víctor Ricardo, High Commissioner for Peace in the new administration, and Carlos Rodríguez, Associate Director of the Colombian Commission of Jurists.

Report on "Possibilities for Peace in Colombia: A Human Rights Perspective"

Briefing on Developments in US/Colombia Policy Advocacy

"President Pastrana should comply with Constitutional Court"

Peace for Colombia: A Great Alliance Against Crime

Making a Space for Peace

Antioquia: Worsening Violence and Prospects for Peace

On the Problems of Guerrilla Reinsertion Into Civilian Life