If you'd like to learn more about Colombia and have access to the World Wide Web, the following sites and their links are a good place to start:


Amazon Watch - http://www.amazonwatch.org

Amnesty International - http://www.amnestyusa.org

Center for International Policy - http://www.ciponline.org

Centro de Investigaciones y Educacion Popular CINEP) - http://.www.cinep.org.co

Church World Service - http://www.churchworldservice.org/colombia_denom_work.htm

Colombia Human Rights Network - http://www.igc.org/colhrnet

Colombia Labor Monitor - http://www.prairienet.org/clm

Colombia Support Network - http://www.colombiasupport.net

Colombian Army - http://www.ejercito.mil.co

Consultoría Para Los Derechos Humanos y El Desplazamiento - http://www.codhes.org.co

Defensoría del Pueblo - http://www.defensoria.org.co

Department of State - http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/hrrpt/2000/wha/index.cfm?docid=471

Foreign Policy in Focus - http://www.foreignpolicy-infocus.org/colombia.html

Global Exchange - http://www.globalexchange.org/colombia

Human Rights Watch - http://www.hrw.org

Latin America Working Group - http://www.lawg.org

Killing Pablo - http://www.killingpablo.com

Paramilitary Group (AUC) - http://www.colombialibre.org.co

Peace Brigades International - http://www.igc.org/pbi

U.S. Committee for Refugees - http://www.refugees.org

U.S. Fumigation in Colombia and the Third World - http://www.usfumigation.org

Washington Office on Latin America - http://www.wola.org

Witness for Peace - http://www.witnessforpeace.org


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