Civilians Under FireBuilding Peace with Human Rights in Colombia
Friday, October 15, 1999 |
Issues: |
What is the role of the United States in promoting human rights and
peace in Colombia?
Location: |
Gold Room, 2168 Rayburn House Office Building, Independence Avenue, across from the Capitol, Washington, DC.
Organized by: |
U.S./Colombia Coordinating Office and Colombia Human Rights Committee.
Co-Sponsors: |
Washington Office on Latin America; Center for Justice and International Law; Center for International Policy, US Committee for Refugees; Latin America Working Group; Peace Brigades International; Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Center for Human Rights; Colombia Human Rights Network; Refugee Policy Forum, Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS); Latin American Studies Program, George Washington University, American Friends Service Committee, Latin America/Caribbean Office; Jesuit Refugee Services; Mennonite Central Committee; Evangelical Lutheran Church in America; Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service; United Methodist Church, General Board of Church and Society; United Church of Christ/Disciples of Christ, Common Global Ministries Board; Presbyterian Church, USA, Worldwide Ministries Division. Special acknowledgement to Oxfam, UK for making this conference possible. |
U.S./Colombia Coordinating Office & Colombia Human Rights Committee
Representative William D. Delahunt
Harold H. Koh, Assistant Secretary of State, U.S. Department of State
Moderator: Lisa Haugaard, Latin America Working Group
Escalating Violence & Human Rights Defenders - Agustin Jimenez, Committee in Solidarity with Political Prisoners
Unions Under Threat - Luis Garzon, Central Workers Union
Indigenous Communities - Senator Francisco Rojas Birry & Eulalia Yagari, Indigenous Organization of Antioquia
Internal Displacement - Heliodoro Sanchez, Justice and Peace
Moderator: Mark Chernick, Georgetown University
The Colombian Government's Plan - Ambassador Luis Alberto Moreno, Colombian Ambassador to the United States
Civil Society Initiatives - Rafael Rincon, Permanent Assembly for Peace
Supporting Peace Initiatives with Human Rights - Senator Piedad Cordoba, Chair of the Colombian Senate Human Rights Committee
The Role of the United States - Carlos Salinas, Amnesty International, USA
Representative Sam Farr
Simultaneous interpretation will be provided.
For more information contact the US/Colombia Coordinating Office in Washington DC, Tel:202-232-8090, Fax: 202-232-8092.
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