"PLAN COLOMBIA : Cashing-in on the Drug-War Failure"
A 57-minute documentary about the US "War-on-Drugs" in Colombia
September 2003 : $ 87 billion requested to the US Congress by Bush for his so-called "war-on-terror" in Iraq make the headlines. However when the same Bush requested half a billion dollars for his "Andean Initiative" a week earlier, it went practically unreported by the media. That was no coincidence. The war in Colombia is supposed to remain invisible, unnoticed while another war rumbles loudly in the Persian Gulf.
Brought to you by Gerard Ungerman and Audrey Brohy who made "Hidden Wars of Desert Storm" (a documentary internationally shown and acclaimed as an eye-opener on the 1991 Gulf War) "Plan Colombia..." looks at why former Colombian Pres. Andres Pastrana abruptly stepped up violence against the leftist guerrilla movements of Colombia (FARC and ELN) as soon as he received the US military aid package under the so-called anti-drug "Plan Colombia". Now that the US State Dept. openly targets the FARC guerillas it calls "terrorists", what is left of the initial anti-narcotics purpose of the US "Plan Colombia" ? Is the US Government concerned still with fighting drugs ? After 20 years of drug-wars in the Andes resulting in a two fold increase of cocaine import in the US in the last ten years alone, could there be alternate purposes to a plan focused on beefing up the local military and spraying coca-fields only in rebel-held parts of the country when coca is grown all around Colombia ?
Noam Chomsky, the late Senator Paul Wellstone, Colombian Presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt (now a hostage of the FARC), US Members of Congress John Conyers and Jim McGovern, US State Dep. officials, a World Wildlife Fund scientist as well as many Colombians from all walks of life, including guerilla-leaders..., all shed light on the complex issues of drug-trafficking and civil struggle in Colombia and on the impact of both the current chemical-spray program carried out by US Defense-contractor Dyncorp and the multi-billion dollar-aid package delivered to the brutal Colombian military. Additional insights are provided on the significant factor OIL has become in the Colombian equation, a country with the same oil potential as Venezuela, today the second largest oil supplier to the US.
Until Nov. 1st, 2003, "Plan Colombia: Cashing-In on the Drug-War Failure" will be made available to Justice Visions subscribers with a $ 5. discount at $ 20. instead of the regular $ 25. We also make available two six-hour compilations of full interviews. In English, one features Noam Chomsky, Ramsey Clark, the late Senator Paul Wellstone, Congressmen John Conyers and Jim McGovern, Prof. Alfred McCoy (author of "The Politics of Heroin") and many others. In Spanish, the other one features a wide range of Colombian personalities including members of Congress, political, human-rights and religious figures, members of the Colombian military as well as Guerilla leaders and coca-farmers. Each of these compilations costs $ 15., both cost $ 25. with a $ 5. discount = $ 20. Shipping for one or several tapes is an additional $ 7. A Spanish version of the doc will be available in early October. VHS is the only format for sale now. All details are available at < http://www.plancolombia.org >.
At Free-Will, we thank you immensely for your continued interest and support. Our team just came back from a two-and-a-half month trip to Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan and we are now striving to complete a new documentary as soon as possible. Please, remember that Free-Will only gets funded by selling its documentaries to supporters like you, no government institution or corporation will back us up evidently and we are totally self-financing each and every one of our projects. All contributions are dearly appreciated, so we encourage you to check our other productions on < http://www.freewillprod.com >. Your support is our survival as an independent documentary-film-making team.
Thank you very much all,
Gerard Ungerman & Audrey Brohy
Free-Will Productions
< http://www.freewillprod.com >
< http://www.plancolombia.org >
< http://www.hiddenwars.org >
E-mail: < freewillprod@freewillprod.com >
Tel: (818) 487-2879 / Fax: (818) 487-2869
Please, to respond to the Justice Vision special offer, mail checks made out to: "GERARD UNGERMAN"
PO Box 5476
N. Hollywood, CA 91616