Go to http://www.amnestyusa.org/urgent/newslett.html
to read this month's newsletter.
Note: Please write on behalf of these people even though you may
not have received the original UA when issued on June 20, 2002.
5 September 2002
Further information on UA 187/02 issued on 20 June 2002 - Fear for
Luis Enrique Imbachi (m), Former acting President of Sindicato de
Trabajadores de las Empresas Municipales de Cali
(SINTRAEMCALI), Cali Municipal Service Workers Trade Union
Other members of SINTRAEMCALI
New names:
Alexandre Lopez Maya (m), Congress representative and former
Luis Hernandez (m), President of SINTRAEMCALI
Serious concerns remain for the safety of the members of Sindicato
de Trabajadores de las Empresas Municipales de Cali
(SINTRAEMCALI), the Trade Union of Municipal Service Workers of
Cali, following a bomb attack on one of the trade union's meeting
places in the city of Cali in Valle del Cauca Department.
On 3 September at around 11am, a highly destructive bomb exploded
in a building owned by the Bodega Navarro de la Gerencia de
Acueducto y Alcantarillado, a publicly owned company on whose
premises SINTRAEMCALI trade unionists hold their meetings.
Fortunately at the time of the explosion no one was in the area.
After the explosion, leaders of SINTRAEMCALI went to the area to
check the damage caused by the bomb. Whilst there, they the
noticed the presence of a man on a motorcycle, who was taking
photographs and filming them.
Amnesty International is also concerned about alleged reports of a
video tape currently said to be in the possession of state security
forces. The tape allegedly shows army-backed paramilitaries
declaring their intention to carry out attacks on Alexandre Lopez
Maya, Congress representative and former member of
SINTRAEMCALI, Luis Hernandez, president of SINTRAEMCALI, and
other members of the trade union's board.
SINTRAEMCALI is currently campaigning against the privatization of
Cali's electricity, water, sewage and telecommunications utilities.
During this campaign, members of the armed forces and other
sectors have accused SINTRAEMCALI members and supporters of
having links with armed opposition groups in a 'terrorist plot' to
destabilize the city. They have also reportedly accused
SINTRAEMCALI members of planting the bomb themselves.
Amnesty International has received no further information regarding
attempts on the life of Luis Enrique Imbachi, former acting president
- expressing concern for the safety of Alexandre Lopez Maya, Luis
Hernandez and all SINTRAEMCALI members in Cali, Valle del Cauca
- calling for a full and impartial investigation into the attack on the
building used by the SINTRAEMCALI trade union, and into the
threats against their leaders, with the results made public and those
responsible brought to justice;
- asking the authorities what action they will take to guarantee the
safety of those at risk, and calling for the Ministry of the Interior's
protection program for trade unionists to be adequately resourced in
order to guarantee effectively the security of those at risk;
- calling for a full and impartial investigation into links between the
security forces and paramilitary groups operating in Valle del Cauca
Department, and asking that the results of the investigation are made
public and those found responsible for supporting and participating in
such groups are brought to justice;
-urging the authorities to take immediate action to dismantle
paramilitary groups, in line with stated government commitments and
United Nations recommendations.
President of the Republic:
Senor Presidente Alvaro Uribe Velez
Presidente de la Republica
Palacio de Narino
Carrera 8 No.7-26
Santafe de Bogota, COLOMBIA
Telegram: Presidente de la Republica, Bogota, Colombia
Fax: 011 57 1 566 2071 / 571 3420592
Salutation: Dear President Uribe / Excmo. Sr. Presidente Uribe
National Advocate for the people:
Sr. Eduardo Cifuentes Munoz
Defensor del Pueblo, Defensoria del Pueblo
Calle 55, No. 10-32/46 office 301
Santafe de Bogota, COLOMBIA
Telegrams: National Advocate, Bogota, Colombia
Fax: 011 57 1 640 0491 / 346 1225
Salutation: Dear Mr. Cifuentes Munoz / Estimado Sr. Cifuentes
Attorney General:
Dr. Luis Camilo Osorio
Fiscal General de la Nacion, Fiscalia General de la Nacion
Diagonal 22B 52-01 (Ciudad Salite)
Santafe de Bogota, COLOMBIA
Telegrams: Fiscal General, Bogota, Colombia
Fax: 011 57 1 570 2022 / 2017 (if someone answers say 'me da
tono de fax por favor')
Salutation: Dear Dr. Osorio / Estimado Dr. Osorio
Trade Union Confederation:
Central Unitaria de Trabajadores de Colombia
Calle 35 N0 7-25, Piso 9
Santafe de Bogota, COLOMBIA
Ambassador Luis Alberto Moreno
Embassy of Colombia
2118 Leroy Pl. NW
Washington DC 20008
Fax: 1 202 232 8643
Please send appeals immediately. Check with the Colorado office
between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm, Mountain Time, weekdays only, if
sending appeals after October 17, 2002.
Amnesty International is a worldwide grassroots movement
that promotes and defends human rights.
Urgent Action Network
Amnesty International USA
PO Box 1270
Nederland CO 80466-1270
Email: uan@aiusa.org
Phone: 303 258 1170
Fax: 303 258 7881
- Please take action as soon as you can (hopefully when
you receive this Urgent Action appeal). Carefully read the
recommended action and send a telegram, fax or airmail
letter immediately to one or more of the addresses given.
- With Urgent Action appeals, A.I. has to act rapidly to
prevent a serious human rights abuse. An appeal is
issued when the organization believes it has received
reliable and accurate information in such cases. It is not
always possible to verify all details independently and in
some instances the situation outlined in the appeal may
change. Urgent Action participants are always notified of
any significant new information.
- Send your appeals in English unless you are fluent with
the language of the target country.
- Information about the alleged connection of any person
with an organization which is banned in their country is
provided for information only and should not be included in
- Your letters should be brief, polite, nonpartisan and to-the-
- Copies of any replies from government authorities should
be sent immediately to the Colorado office. If appropriate,
thank the official who has replied and ask to be kept
informed about the case.
- Postage costs: airmail letters to most countries which
include an envelope and a one-page letter cost 60 cents;
to Mexico - 40 cents. Aerogrammes and postcards are 50
cents each.
- The name of Amnesty International may be used although
letters written in a private or professional capacity are
often more effective.