Amnesty International is seriously concerned for the safety of the
civilian population of the Catatumbo region as incursions by the army-
backed paramilitary group Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia (AUC),
United Self-Defence Force of Colombia, continue to take place in
various hamlets of El Tarra and Teorama municipalities, Norte de
Santander Department.
More than 1,000 people have reportedly been displaced to the town
centres of the Convencion and El Tarra municipalities. These people
are also under threat, as the area around them has been taken over
by paramilitary forces.
According to reports, paramilitary bases have been established in
Bella Vista, El Paso and Acerrio - villages in the Catatumbo region -
abandoned by the civilian population in fear of further paramilitary
killings. Paramilitary groups have also reportedly looted abandoned
homes and businesses.
Amnesty International is concerned that despite the heavy military
presence in the region and despite repeated alerts to the security
forces of the paramilitary incursions in the region, no decisive action
has been taken to prevent the incursions and paramilitary
consolidation of the area.
We have no further information as to the whereabouts of Luis Alberto
FURTHER RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send appeals to
arrive as quickly as possible:
- expressing concern for the safety of the civilian population in El
Tarra, and Convencion, Norte de Santander Department, and the rest
of the Catatumbo region after continued paramilitary incursions;
- asking what the government and armed forces will do to protect the
civilian population;
- expressing concern that the government and armed forces have
failed to protect the civilian population of the department of Norte de
Santander and the Catatumbo region and to combat paramilitary
groups in the area, despite repeated warnings of impending
paramilitary attacks;
- calling for a full and impartial investigation into links between the
security forces and paramilitary groups in the department of Norte de
Santander, for the results to be made public and for those
responsible for supporting and participating in such groups to be
brought to justice;
- urging the authorities to take immediate action to dismantle
paramilitary groups, in line with stated government commitments and
recommendations made by the UN and other intergovernmental
Commander of the V Brigade:
General Martin Orlando Carreno Sandoval,
Comandante de la V Brigada
Calle 14, Carrera 33
Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia
Telegram: Comandante de la V Brigada, Bucaramanga,
Santander, Colombia
Fax: 011 57 76 455051 / 351493 / 359189 / 334390
Salutation: Dear Commander Carreno Sandoval / Sr. General
Carreno Sandoval
Attorney General:
Dr. Luis Camilo Osorio
Fiscal General de la Nacion
Fiscalia General de la Nacion,
Apartado Aereo 29855
Diagonal 22B 52-01 (Ciudad Salite)
Santafe de Bogota, Colombia
Telegram: Fiscal General, Bogota, Colombia
Fax: 011 57 1 570 2000
Salutation: Dear Dr. Osorio / Estimado Dr. Osorio
National Advocate for the People:
Sr. Eduardo Cifuentes Munoz
Defensor del Pueblo, Defensoria del Pueblo
Calle 55, No. 10-32/46 office 301
Santafe de Bogota, COLOMBIA
Telegram: National Advocate, Bogota, Colombia
Fax: 011 57 1 640 0491
Salutation: Dear Mr. Cifuentes Munoz / Estimado Sr. Cifuentes
President of Colombia:
Senor Presidente Andres Pastrana
Presidente de la Republica
Palacio de Narino
Carrera 8 No. 7-26
Santafe de Bogota, Colombia
Telegrams: President Pastrana, Bogota, Colombia
Telex: 396 44281 PALP CO
Fax: 011 57 1 566 20 71
Salutation: Dear President Pastrana / Excelentisimo Sr.
Presidente Pastrana
Non-governmental human rights organization:
AA 40303,
Santafe de Bogota, Colombia
Ambassador Luis Alberto Moreno
Embassy of Colombia
2118 Leroy Pl. NW
Washington DC 20008
Fax: 1 202 232 8643
Please send appeals immediately. Check with the Colorado office
between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm, Mountain Time, weekdays only, if
sending appeals after February 27, 2002.
Urgent Action Network
Amnesty International USA
PO Box 1270
Nederland CO 80466-1270
Phone: 303 258 1170
Fax: 303 258 7881