Dear Witness for Peace Family,


On February 15th, Witness for Peace will joining thousands of other activists and concerned citizens in voicing our opposition to war. United for Peace and Justice ( has organized what promises to be a massive march and demonstration against war.


A major concern of Witness for Peace has been that with the increased attention towards the looming war with Iraq, we may lose our vigilance towards the wars (both economic and military) in which our government is already involved in Latin America.


United for Peace and Justice has been very open to expanding the February 15 march to issues beyond those of Iraq. We have been informed that there will be a speaker from Colombia to address the war that is happening there.


In light of this, Witness for Peace will be joining with the Committee for Social Justice in Colombia, Colombia Mobilization-NY, and a group of Colombian trade-unionists who are currently in exile in the US to form a block of marchers whose primary focus is the war in Colombia, and the Latin American context in general.


Please join us in this effort on February 15th!


Meet at: Church of the Holy family, 315 East 47th Street (between 1st and second avenues) between 10:00am and 12:00pm.


Feel free to contact me with any questions.


In Peace,

Michael Joseph

Witness for Peace - NYC Organizer




Please forward widely!!!!


Join the Colombia Block on February 15!


Colombia Mobilization NY, Committee for Social Justice in Colombia, Witness

for Peace, and a group of Colombian trade-unionists will all be joining

together in one block of marchers for the February 15 march and

demonstration against war.


United for Peace and Justice ( has confirmed that a

Colombian trade-unionist will be one of the speakers at the event. This is a

great opportunity for us to speak out in clear and unified voice about the

war in Colombia. As many are turning their attention to the looming war on

Iraq let us redouble our efforts to stand in solidarity with our sisters and

brothers in Colombia and Latin America who are also deeply threatened by the

drums of war of the Bush administration.


Meeting place: Church of the Holy family, 315 East 47th Street (between 1st

and second avenues).


Time: Between 10:00am and 12:00pm.


We?l see you there!